Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Reality of Being


I recently had a strange encounter with an everyday entity, a part of myself, my reflection. I had just gotten out of a painful relationship and the wound of heartache still felt devastatingly real.  He looked me dead in the eye and asked me, "My friend would you do it all over again if you could?" i answered yes without giving a second thought, but he obviously already knew the answer to his question. why? he asked, why would you want to put yourself through all that again when you know what is coming.

Well, that's simple, its not about what happens after. its about how she made me feel during. I know if i don't feel the way she made me feel at least once in my life then the whole purpose of life just seems so meh to me.

That's bullshit my friend, he replied with a scoff... hey what do you know, you are just a figment of my imagination.. "I agree, and yet even i know its bullshit, no1 would want to put themselves through that kinda pain..... unless... unless of course you enjoy the pain". He knew he had me with that sentence. But the pain, its unforgiving, its raw, its motivating, its kind of a remarkable superpower that you don't let out. But what most people don't understand, what most people forget is that, pain is also voracious in its need to consume you. If you cant control it, it will take control of you. But if you are that 1% that finds a way to control it. to bring it under your will. it can make you do great things. things even you dint know you were capable of. Like i said, a superpower that you cant let out. so is it so bad to crave it ? To chase greatness was always the way we were build. If pain is just a means to that, then what harm can there be in it?

"But doesn't there come a time when the pain you thought you had control over, was always  in control of you, my friend? " he said looking at my bleeding hand and then at the sharp knife in my right hand. My face turned red, my hands trembled with anger. With teeth gritting Rage i replied, Your time here is over, MY FRIEND .With that i smashed the mirror in and grinned as i made another long beautiful cut along my left hand, dabbed my brush in the thick red blood and continued my hopelessly failing attempt at recreating her immense beauty on the bloodstained canvas, all the while whispering to myself over and over again, GREATNESS WILL BE MINE !!! GREATNESS WILL BE MINE !!! GREATNESS WILL BE MINE !!!

-Journal entry 203 of the creator of The Bloody Beauty

Saturday 18 July 2015

Let me tell you a secret

        As much as I would like to think the world is a perfect place it isn’t. It’s filled with people who can’t stand the fact that they are at fault (including me), who won’t stop blaming others instead of looking inside themselves to find the demons they blame others for. You go onto social websites these days all you see is hate and cat videos.  I just always imagined us, humans as being evolved enough to recognize our faults. But it seems only our instinct to keep ourselves out of harm’s way has evolved. The part of us that needs to come out and face facts, some of which might hurt is still in its infant stage. Nature has done its part. It can evolve only your body. The mind and soul evolve over years of living but only if you let it. Maybe that's where wisdom comes from; from the evolution of the mind and soul.

        Of the few years I have lived on this earth, I have seen more pain and misery than joy. But then again without misery what is joy? We need both to be complete, to feel complete. Embrace who you are. Accept others for who they are. It’s not about who is at fault. It’s about what part you and I had to play in the matter. What can we change about ourselves that will one day change the world? Slowly, yes. but surely. And some day eons from now, maybe the world will be a perfect place.


PS: This is just a basic outlook on what I think about the world, of course there are some good people too, but their numbers are far too few. If you feel the same as I do, let me know. And I will share more about my view of the world. Maybe together we can change the world for better :)

- From someone who is trying to understand the world, take my hand and let us make this journey together to someday see a world we dream of.